Be Still & Know, That I Am God

Today marks my 300th consecutive day of meditation.  I have long been an avid believer of taking time first thing in the morning to pray but I never considered meditation to be a part of that spiritual journey.  After losing my parents to cancer, I was in a very dark place. I reverted inward and stayed there in an abyss of depression for many years.  From the outside, everyone thought I was doing pretty well…

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Success is Earned, Never Given!

Success is earned through an agonizing, relentless commitment to achieve your goals.  In this age of social media, many of us sit by and watch passively as others go out and claim their best lives.  We see them with fit bodies, luxury cars and homes, completely living life to the fullest and deep down we tell ourselves that they have something that we don’t have.  WRONG!  The only thing they did differently is invest a…

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Why do Women LIIFT?

LIIFT4 is one of the most incredible, empowering workouts on the market.  Women already have the strength and tenacity within to succeed at any challenge.  LIIFT4 makes what we feel on the inside, match what we look like on the outside.  The BodyCru Tribe is synonymous with POWER!  Step into your greatness!

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Excellence is a Habit

Well I have to tell you, 2018 is more than half over and what a repeated presentation of challenges it has been.  You know that feeling where you start the year out like ‘I got this’ & you just know that unlike the previous years, this one, yes this one will be the shizzznick!  Then WHAM, all of a sudden you have veered off the road, back on the bad habit path before you could…

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