Summer 2019 is Coming!

That’s right, we are now rapidly approaching Summer 2019. I know for many of us it seems like we blitzed through Winter and Spring. I often wonder where the time goes and whether is has always gone this fast and I’ve just been oblivious all these years. As I get older, I’m beginning to notice the passing of time a heck of a lot more than I use to. Nonetheless, being prepared is the best…

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Today is the first day of 2019 which means you have 365 days in this year to make your life exactly what you want it to be. Over the years I’ve struggled with making New Year’s resolutions that fail miserably in the first few days of the year. There was one reason for those failures, and I had a global dream with no distinct measurable daily deliverables that would get me to 365 in a…

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Wait What?!!!

It’s hard to believe that in just a few short weeks we will be celebrating the first day of Fall 2018. I’m in absolute disbelief since I still have so many things that I had planned for Summer 2018 undone.  If you are like me, you are feeling the same way. The upside of this is that its not over, until its over, so shift those Summer goals to Fall.  I’m definitely not rewarding you…

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1.18.18 & 8.18.18

The first date above is my 46th birthday and approaching that date I knew with every fiber of my being that this year, 2018 would be life changing.  I had this feeling as if all the pain I had experienced up until that point was about to give birth to new life.  I didn’t know what or how that was going to happen, but I knew it would.  I decided that day that if things…

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