The Love Yo’Self Movement

The Love Yo’Self Movement

My personal journey towards loving myself has been a long winding road fills with many detours. For as long as I can remember I would always wonder what life really was about, what was my purpose, where did I come from, where am I going? All the philosophical questions a child probably does not ask. I have always been a bit odd but nonetheless I forced me to read ferociously and consume all bits of knowledge that would come my in the pursuit of wisdom.

Along my journey I found myself starting and stopping short of many of the successes of my life due to fear. I would self sabotage and not even realize it and I would have a mentally of defeat before I even gave myself I chance. I began to examine why that was and in reading all of the motivational and self help books on the market and they all had excellent themes – take action, visualize, practice goal setting, wake up early and conquer, maximize all the hours in the day, be proactive not reactive, start with a plan – I could go on. All of these are excellent, EXCELLENT pieces of advice but none of them will stick unless you do one thing first – LOVE YOURSELF!

I traveled a journey of 48 years as of January 2020 to finally find the true foundation to all success – SELF LOVE. Ultimately you can be the smartest, most talented person on the earth but without a foundation of self love, you will find a way to harm yourself and/or others. I am speaking from a place that I know well, for many years I looked for love and validation from others. Never sought it in myself and when I was hurt, I would retreat into a greater chasm of self loathing. I didn’t see I that way at the time but the is ultimately what I was. I would tell people how much I loved myself but I thought that as long as I was successful, did all of the self care routines and took care of myself health wise, that was me loving myself, despite all the while my sock was sliding off in my shoe in every other area of my life. In this age of social media everyone wants to project how perfect their lives are, they hide all vulnerabilities but I know for a fact that we all struggle. No one is walking this earth in perfection and unless we are truthful with each other, our ability to truly help each other will fade.

It is for this reason that I’m starting The Love Yo’Self Movement. It is a movement I hope will resonate with others. This is not about the superficial love that we express so others can see, this is truly having the God breathed love for ourselves that insures that every single decision we make during the course of the day is either for our good or the good of those around us. Our first and most important step toward wholeness is self love. Let the evolution begin…
