BodyCru – Stronger Together

BodyCru – Stronger Together

What tribes are, is a very simple concept that goes back 50 million years. It’s about leading and connecting people and ideas. And it’s something that people have wanted forever. ~ Seth Godwin


Much of who we will become is shaped by the true and sincere connection between us.  Have you ever had anyone come into your life and change its trajectory for the better?  When you look back, you know that if it had not been for them, you would never have chosen the road less traveled.  That is what the BodyCru Tribe embodies, people committed to being their best selves and encouraging and supporting others in their journey to do the same.  It’s no coincidence that you are reading this.  This intersection of our lives was meant to happen.  From here on its a series simple choices.  What is it that you want in terms of your overall health and fitness?  What are you willing to commit to on a daily basis in order to achieve your goal?  Most importantly, what is your why?  Why have you chosen to embrace this tribe, this lifestyle?

There are many sites out there that will tote perfection.  This is not one of them.  I’m am as flawed as all of you and before there was a BodyCru Tribe there was just me.  Broken, unmotivated, depressed and eating my weight in Haagen Dazs flavors weekly.  I started the BodyCru FB, IG and this website because it was my way to find and post positive  quotes and images to help push me out of my complacency.  I figured if I was going to get my shit together I had to keep motivational images and words in front of me.  Little did I know it would impact others and be a source of genuine encouragement for them.  After all, no one has seen a pic of me on social media (I’m a bit shy) and despite that I am still able to make an impact. I’ve always said that if my existence can help to change one life for the better, then this journey of my life would be well worth it.  This group encourages me to the core of my soul.  We sweat together, post pics that make us happy all workouts are virtual and never cease in lifting each other up.  No-one is going to feel like working out every day but when they log into that app and see others struggling but doing it anyway, it lets them know that they too can succeed if they don’t give up.

We have a wolf pack mentality but we honor each other’s individuality.  That is where we find the strength to persist.

JOIN US because we are most definitely Stronger Together!