Summer 2019 is Coming!

Summer 2019 is Coming!

That’s right, we are now rapidly approaching Summer 2019. I know for many of us it seems like we blitzed through Winter and Spring. I often wonder where the time goes and whether is has always gone this fast and I’ve just been oblivious all these years. As I get older, I’m beginning to notice the passing of time a heck of a lot more than I use to. Nonetheless, being prepared is the best recipe for success. That said, what are your goals for Spring that will lead you into a fit Summer?

Here are a few of mine for Summer 2019 (Yes they are ambitious, but I don’t believe in setting limits). I’ll have to get back to you with updates on my success. Notice I said success, because failure, is never an option, only a learning opportunity for how to do it better.


  1. Complete 5-10 Unassisted Pull-Ups
  2. Lift and/or Squat my body weight
  3. Compete 25 on the top push-ups with no breaks
  4. Master 3 Yoga Poses
  5. Add sprinting to my cardio routine

So there you have it, all of the physical challenges that will take my body to the next level for Summer. Keep in mind that I don’t do any of these right now very well without breaks. Therefore the stronger I get the better I will be at these.

You may ask why even write your goals down? It’s because no matter how outlandish they may seem, it gives you a mark to try to hit. If you try and miss the mark, you will be lite years closer than if you never tried at all. Action has power!