1.18.18   &   8.18.18

1.18.18 & 8.18.18

The first date above is my 46th birthday and approaching that date I knew with every fiber of my being that this year, 2018 would be life changing.  I had this feeling as if all the pain I had experienced up until that point was about to give birth to new life.  I didn’t know what or how that was going to happen, but I knew it would.  I decided that day that if things were going to change for the better, I too, would have to work toward being the best version of myself every single day.  I would have to keep my head up in the face of every defeat.  I would have to look fear in the eye and proceed as if it was not there.  I would have to believe in myself, when others couldn’t or wouldn’t.  I would have to step fully into my greatness.  I would have to own my power.  Sounds marvelous, but the how to get there, was still a bit of a mystery so I took little steps every day.  I worked out with more consistency than ever before.  I avoided all matters of sugary products like the plague (though I must admit there were epic fails on occasion, I am human). I continued my practice of daily prayer and meditation first thing every morning.  I practiced positive thinking and refocusing of my mind when I started to go off the deep end.  I embraced my failures and learned from them.  I started to see the pain in others and instead of judging them, and showed greater understanding.  I started to express greater love for myself and others, genuine heart felt love. I soaked up every morsel of life, birds chirping, leaves blowing in the wind, thunder growling, insects crawling, grass growing and seasons changing.  I realized rapidly how much of my life I had actually missed out on while pursuing that which was unfulfilling in every way.  I began to live.

Fast forward now to 8.18.18, I’m seven months into this 46th year of my life and all of the changes above have brought me to a place of peace.  I am content in most things and those areas where I struggle, I work daily to improve.  I continue to express complete and total love for myself and others.  I have the resolve to change those things that I can and the wisdom to not fight to change what I can’t.  I’m taking care of myself and others with a passion that can only come from God himself.  My desire to help others tap into their own self love and personal power drives me in a way that words cannot describe.  My mission is for every human being walking the earth to know how truly magnificent they are. We walk around daily blissfully ignorant to our own innate power.  Imagine what the world would be like if we knew the extent of the miracles that we are.  If we knew that there were no limits set on us except those that are self imposed.  If we understood that any and everything that our heart desires is ours for the taking.  If we could only comprehend how our capacity to express love to others can change the world.  This is the world I want to help create.  I’m only one person but the lives I touch, will touch others.  This is how change happens, one person at a time.  Love of ourselves, fosters love towards others and loving others can infect the world.

As you can see from the two dates above, some changes take months, even years and I’m no where near done.  Same goes for you.  Start somewhere, anywhere then benchmark as you go. Just do it.